Web interface


The Tasks app allows you to add and delete tasks, edit their title, description, start and due dates and mark them as important. A task could be a meeting date reminder, a job that needs to be done, a personal or a group activity and a lot of other things.

In this short howto we'll see how it works.

Adding a new task

To start, click on + Add list..., write the name of your new list of tasks and press enter.

Once you did it, a new section will show at the right.

Type in the name of the new task you want to add and then press enter. Click on the three-dots icon at the right if you want to add subtasks.

Tasks options

Click on the task or subtask title to access the options.

Here you can:

  • Set the start date and due date
    By clicking on the Start/Due option you can set the day and the hour of it.

    You can also set the task as an all day activity.

  • Assign / change the tasks list
    You can change / assign a task or sub-task to different lists or calendar. Just select one from the drop-down menu and the tasks will change to the new one.

  • Select a classification
    You can assign the task list to a previously created calendar and choose how it should be shown.

  • Select a status
    Select if the task needs an action, if it is in process, completed or cancelled.

  • Assign a priority level to the task By moving the bar, you can set the priority level where 1 to 4 is High, 5 is Medium and 6 to 9 is Low.

  • Set and edit the progress level of the task
    By moving the bar, you can set the task progress from 0% to 100%.

  • Categories and Comments
    Assigning categories and adding comments can be very useful when working in a group. Click on Select categories, select or create one and press Enter. To write a comment, simply type it in the box.

    When the task has a category assigned or a comment added, you can see it in the description, next to the title.

  • Finally, at the bottom of the tasks details you will see a bar with the delete and info options.