FairEmail, created by Marcel Bokhorst, the developer of NetGuard and XPrivacyLua, is a free, open source and feature rich mail client for android. Concerning *FLOSS, FairEmail, just like K-9 Mail, surely is one of the most popular email clients for Android. Some features and advantages:
In this tutorial you will learn, how to setup your Disroot Account in FairEmail.
At first you need to install FairEmail on your Smartphone. We highly recommend you to use F-Droid store. F-Droid is a store that hosts only free and open source apps. Of course you can also download FairEmail via G'*****'-Playstore.
When you start the app for the first time, you need to accept the license agreement.
... and choose Other provider
Confirm your input by tapping on Check.
The correct settings should now be automatically detected (you need a working internet connection). For verification take a look at the screenshots or the general server setup information. If, contrary to expectations, the settings aren't correct, you could either cancel the wizard and setup the mail account manually or change the settings later in the account management. Confirm with Save.
You will receive a confirmation message for the set up account.
By tapping on Go under menue point 5 you get to your emails, which will now be retrieved for the first time.
With your first visit to your inbox you get some informations about the usage of FairEmail, which you can dismiss by tapping the X.
Open the menue by tapping the three dashes in the top left corner and choosing Settings.
By doing so you get back to the main settings. You can now scroll through the menu bar by swiping left and right. Under the menu tab Display you will find the option Show on start screen with a dropdown menu. Choose Accounts in this menu.
Heading back to your emails via point 5 of the principal settings you will now see the account view.
By tapping on your account you will get to the folder view.
If questions about some features of FairEmail will pile up, we may of course add some explanation to this tutorial in the future.