K9 is an independent, feature-rich Free/Open Source mail client for android. Concerning FLOSS, K-9 Mail, just like FairEmail, surely is one of the most popular email clients for Android. Some features:
Here is how you setup disroot account on K9.
First of, get K9 on your phone. We encourage you to use F-Droid store (it's a store hosting only free and open source applications), but you can get it also via g* store. (additionally you can get Material K9 version or P=P** which supports GPG by default)
Once you start the application for the first time, you need to create new account.
Account setting. Adjust frequency with which K9 will check for new emails, and how it will notify you about them.
Lastly give your account a name.
Done! Enjoy your awesome open source disroot mail on your android device.